Urbex Love Session

Session in an abandoned place

Some they reject and arouse mixed reactions. Others are inspired by them and see a great photographic potential in them. Some will only notice dust and dirt among collapsing walls or broken windows, as well as the irritating musty smell of a decaying building. Others, in this austere and degraded space, notice an amazing, mysterious atmosphere. Beautifully refracted light, or narrow beams of a stream squeezing through cracks in the walls or through irregularly broken glass panes.

Abandoned halls, buildings, large spaces abandoned for years and decaying. The abandoned places for photo shoots inspired us long before we started taking wedding photography. Raw concrete, cracked, scratched walls or rusty metal constructions can be an interesting background, giving the photos an atmosphere with their texture. And when, apart from the wall, we have the entire object left at our disposal, the effects of the session can be very interesting.

A session in an abandoned place - an idea for an engagement session

It would seem that dirty and visually scary buildings are not suitable for wedding photos or engagement sessions, that they are not suitable for photographing love. Nothing could be more wrong! More and more photographers and couples themselves choose abandoned places as scenery for their outdoor sessions. It is enough for us to give just one example - an abandoned greenhouse. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? ? Since we did the first wedding there, the popularity of this place has grown so much that today the greenhouse has queues of couples and photographers waiting for its session. We also got dozens or even more inquiries about its location. And not only this particular one attracts so much interest, there are pages and guides on how and where to find similar objects for the session.

This only proves how popular such photo locations have become, and thus how much potential abandoned scenery can hide. Forgotten, a bit wild, and thanks to photography come alive again.

In the case of heavily devastated places, they are undoubtedly attracted by their fragility and instability. We do not know how much a given building or greenhouse will exist in this form. Photos extend the life of such places a bit. We have several of them in our "photographic" drawer. The old steam locomotive shed, in which we made a few wedding sessions (and in fact, our adventure with old buildings probably started from this hall), has already been razed to the ground. We could look for more examples, but we will stop there.

Wedding outdoors in a deserted industrial atmosphere

Safety is paramount when visiting such places. Because, naturally, a building or object left behind for years and self-destructing, sometimes simply decaying, is simply dangerous. It is worth and should always ask for information and opinions about a given object before a session. You should make sure that we are allowed to enter the area, whether there are people in charge of this building and talk to them.

You do not have to worry about such issues if you want to photograph in former palaces, mansions (many of them in Silesia), usually it is enough to simply arrange a session, for a fee, most often. Old palaces and manors are incredibly atmospheric and also very popular as places for wedding sessions. We love the session with Ania and Michał, which we did in the palace in Bożków, or the outdoor session in the palace in Krowiarki. An additional advantage is also the surroundings of these places. In addition to fantastic interiors, the surroundings of the palace encourage you to take photos.

Urbex-style session

However, is the session in such places for everyone? Of course not ! And remember that the place for your wedding or engagement session, or any other session, simply has to suit you. If you are disturbed by dust and dirty space - it falls off. If you feel uncomfortable and distrustful within the old walls - it's out. Not everyone is a fan of industrial climates, and instead of the rubble they will choose mountains, the sea, or an idyllic panoramic view or even a forest.

It all depends on you. Your temperament. Your taste.

We are happy that we have so diverse couples, thanks to which we can share materials from very different places and corners of the world on our blog. We tell stories about you. Once it is a romantic walk around Paris. Another time, a session in beautiful Iceland. Either the city colors and the artistic hustle and bustle of Lisbon, or love in Venice. You are always the most important in the center of the session.

Today we want to show how beautiful a portrait of a couple in love can look like in the contrast of a raw and damaged, industrial space.

Engagement session in an abandoned hall

With Ola and Adrian, we felt very quickly that we were perceiving on similar waves, not only in terms of photos. They immediately liked the idea of ​​having the engagement session in some abandoned place. They were amazingly involved in both the location search and during the session. At first a bit nervous, they quickly felt at ease and we literally couldn't stop pressing the shutter button 🙂

The ideas for the frames fell into our heads one after the other. And not only because of the place (there is something unusual about these imperfect, dark and dense rooms with structures and layers that they make us think about where and how to take a given photo so that the light falls exactly as our imagination tells us). But the main impulse for the multitude of ideas were They. How they hugged, looked at each other, how they interacted with their surroundings.

And we really want to laugh now, when we remember how many uncertainties and fears Ola had, if they certainly didn't come out too tense during the session 🙂 Nothing of that, dear ones!

Ola is an artistic soul, she pays attention to every detail. We are glad that he notices all these nuances in the pictures. It gives you extra driving force and stimulates you to act. We are honestly looking forward to our wedding session with these two!

Abandoned industrial place for photo sessions

And you? Do you like abandoned photo spots? Do you like the aesthetics of outdoor sessions? We hope that Ola and Adrian's session will inspire you and you will see how much magic hides old halls, factories, mills, greenhouses and many other abandoned spaces.

If you are looking for a photographer who will capture you in photos without a pattern, showing your emotions and naturalness, and at the same time show your love in an extraordinary place, please let us know! Write if you dream of photos in an industrial atmosphere - together we will create something special 🙂

Miedzy Deskami - session by the lake

A beautiful place for a session in a rustic style - Miedzy Deskami

A year ago, at this time, the wedding season started in earnest and not only did we photograph another weddings, but we also had sessions abroad, and a wedding in France is on the horizon.

At this point, we are waiting longingly when it will finally be possible to hold the camera in a hand and go to sessions not only in the forest. And while the reality of all of us has severely limited us, and many couples have been forced to postpone their wedding to a favorable moment, our wedding season has started this year before covid.

From the perspective of the lens, we started the season in an amazing style. Because of the session we just love. If you are looking for a beautiful place for a rustic or boho session, you love nature in combination with minimalist architecture, this post will surely inspire you.

Between the Planks - is a wedding gem for all those who want a unique place for a wedding and a wedding reception. It was there that we set out to perform a loving engagement session for Ania and Darek.

Love session in Miedzy Deskami

Between Planks in Tomaszków near Olsztyn, made a considerable impression on us, not only because of the aesthetics of the body. The combination of boards with a hint of modernity fits perfectly into the landscape of Warmia. The complex is surrounded by a large green area and a lake. You can organize a beautiful outdoor wedding or a ceremony at the lake. We focused on using the charms of the place by photographing two lovers - Ania and Darek. Their engagement session exceeded our expectations. But that is not the most important thing. The words of thanks we read from them will remain in our memory for a long time. Their satisfaction with the effects of the session is the most beautiful culmination of this adventure.

Miedzy Deskami - a beautiful place by the lake

We wanted to do the photo session just before sunset. A kind of banal thing, but not so obvious and easily achievable in February. We were very lucky with the weather. Warm, golden rays filled the frames to the brim and accompanied us for a large part of the session. The lake pier, tall grasses, trees, all the natural facilities of "Między Planks" were not only a romantic background, but also created an intimate atmosphere. Ania and Darek felt at ease in front of the lens, which allowed them to capture a lot of spontaneous frames, full of tenderness and love gestures. That's what we like best!

It should also be mentioned that stylistically they fit perfectly into the atmosphere of Między Deskami. Darek's hat or long hair blowing in the wind added character to the photos.

Winter temperatures can make it very difficult to pose, but thanks to these two, February was exceptionally hot that afternoon. You will find out for yourself, watching the entire session in a moment, that it is worth freezing a bit and traveling a long way through Poland to keep the most beautiful memories of such tender and warm moments for years. Well - is it worth it?

Is it worth doing an engagement session?

Many ask themselves this question when choosing a photographer for a wedding or browsing the offers received.

Do we think engagement session is necessary? Of course not ? But it's worth doing!

Because the result of such a session are, above all, beautiful photos, moments focused on you, which will stay with you for many years. It is also an excuse to stop for a moment in the pre-wedding race (and even if the wedding is not yet planned). A engagement session, or simply a session of a couple in love, is this wonderful opportunity to easily capture your feeling in the frames, just like 100%.

Forget about inflatable balloons, unnecessary accessories and other pinterest gadgets. If this is how you have associated the pre-wedding session so far, then with us you will experience something different. Without unnecessary additions, it will be more beautiful! Even the ring is irrelevant. You are the most important.

In simple words - the engagement session is an opportunity and a way to celebrate your relationship! The value of retained shared moments full of love will grow with each passing year. Someday you will find that they are simply priceless.

So what? Would you like some photos? If you still hesitate, let yourself be convinced by watching Ania and Darek!

Ps. And be sure to write to us if you dream of a unique session with your feelings in the lead role 🙂

Engagement Session on the beach

Sesja zakochanych na plaży

Chyba nigdzie nie ma piękniejszego wschodu i zachodu słońca niż nad morzem. Spektakularne światło, wiatr we włosach i piasek pod stopami. To wszystko sprawia, że sesja narzeczeńska na plaży może mieć niezwykle romantyczny klimat. Nadmorska sceneria jest wprost wymarzona do miłosnych sesji zdjęciowych, ujęć pełnych splątanych włosów czy ramion. Do czułych historii o Waszej miłości opowiedzianej zdjęciami. Morze i plaża to sceneria idealna na sesję dla wszystkich zakochanych.

Romantyczna sesja narzeczeńska nad morzem

Morze od zawsze kojarzy się z tęsknotą, z tym co niewypowiedziane, tajemnicze i bezkresne. Nie dziwi więc, że sesja zakochanych na plaży może pokazać Waszą miłość w sposób czuły i wnikliwy.

Personalnie - kochamy morze! Przynajmniej raz w roku musimy nad morze zawitać. Najlepiej we Włoszech, bo Italię mamy tak trochę we krwi, a trochę bardziej w sercu. Śródziemnomorski klimat i to szczególne światło jest niepowtarzalne.

Sesje ślubne czy narzeczeńskie nad morzem to po prostu piękne zdjęcia! Przecież każda para decyduje się na sesje narzeczeńską by otrzymać najpiękniejsze zdjęcia. Co jeszcze zyskuje? Przygodę, wspomnienia, momenty!

Sesja ślubna lub narzeczeńska nad morzem we Włoszech to bez wątpienia romantyczna przygoda. A zdjęcia na Wybrzeżu Amalfitańskim to marzenie niejednej zakochanej pary.

No cóż. Lubimy takie marzenia spełniać!

Zdjęcia zakochanych na Amalfi we Włoszech

Amalfi to jedno z najbardziej romantycznych miejsc na świecie. Zapewne nie raz natknęliście się w internecie na pocztówkowe zdjęcia zakochanej pary na tle Amalfi. Kolorowe domki na zboczu gór, migocząca tafla wody, ciepłe światło. Bajka!

I pewnie wiele z Was pomyśli, że to zbyt duże i kosztowne przedsięwzięcie, by organizować sesję narzeczeńską za granicą. Morze? No przecież bliżej jest Bałtyk!

To prawda .... Ale nie zupełnie!

Uwielbiamy nasze piękne polskie wybrzeże. Wciąż można tu znaleźć wiele dzikich plaż, gdzie uda się stworzyć romantyczną sesję. Jednak połączenie wakacji, urlopu, kilku wolnych dni za granicą z sesją zdjęciową, na którą przeznaczycie jeden dzień ( albo tylko popołudnie ), daje dużo więcej.

Każdy z nas na urlopie jest zrelaksowany, zostawia wszystkie troski za sobą. cieszy się miejscem i wspólnie spędzonym czasem. To przecież idealny moment na sesję, która opowie o Waszym uczuciu. W takim rozumieniu sesja narzeczeńska czy może po prostu sesja zakochanych, zrealizowana za granicą będzie pięknym dodatkiem do i tak już zaplanowanych wakacji, nie zaś odrębnym wydatkiem.

Niezależnie od tego czy wybierzecie polskie morze, że podróż za granicę, potraktujcie Waszą sesję jak wspaniałą przygodę, jak możliwość zatrzymania wspólnych pięknych chwil na zawsze!

Sesja narzeczeńska na plaży

Plaże po sezonie mają najpiękniejszy klimat. Schyłek lata to według nas najlepszy czas by wybrać to miejsce na sesję narzeczeńską. Z Olą i Adrianem zrealizowaliśmy miłosną sesję nad morzem przy okazji włoskich wakacji. Sesję narzeczeńską z powodzeniem możecie odłożyć nawet po ślubie. To wszystko zależy od Was! Nie musicie się spieszyć i spinać, by w przedślubnej gorączce zrobić ją w przypadkowym miejscu odhaczyć ją w obawie, by zdążyć z sesją do ślubu.

Jeśli już decydujecie się na sesję narzeczeńską nie spieszcie się, pomyślcie jaki klimat Wam się marzy? Może to będą góry? A może morze? Bez względu na to czy wybierzecie plażę czy miejski klimat zadbajcie o to by było to miejsce zgodne z tym, co duszy Wam gra. To o Was są te kadry i przede wszystkim dla Was.

Mieliśmy już okazję wiele razy fotografować pary na plaży, nad morzem. Sesje ślubne nad polskim morzem i plenery śródziemnomorskie za granicą. Za każdym razem odnajdujemy na nowo prostotę. Skupiamy się na emocjach. Minimalizm krajobrazu pozwala jeszcze mocniej skoncentrować się na fotografowanej parze, na ich gestach, spojrzeniach, dłoniach. Ten pozorny spokój otoczenia pobudza wyobraźnię i uwalnia kreatywność.

Niemal za każdym razem okładamy aparaty dopiero wówczas, kiedy ostatni promień słońca niknie bezpowrotnie za horyzontem.

Makijaż do sesji: Iwona Sirow Make-up

Soho Factory - Engagement session in Warsaw

Session in Warsaw - Soho Factory

Is it worth to bet on the industrial climate by opting for a engagement session? And why look for abandoned places for photo sessions? For all of you who love urban style, walls, concrete, rust, interesting texture, old buildings in a word - industrial, but at the same time want to escape from the urban jungle and the center.

In addition, old, abandoned places in a big city are the perfect location for a session, if one of you is more shy, and the crowd of pedestrians on a noisy street, or the hustle and bustle in the old town definitely reduces comfort and freedom of posing. Let's choose places tailored to your needs!

Engagement session in Warsaw's Praga - industrial style

Warszawskie Soho Factory is a post-industrial area, which is located on the right bank of the Vistula at ul. Minsk. Today, there is a creative and cultural center here, an extremely inspiring place where a lot is happening. New mixed with old, brick and dilapidated walls form the background for glazed office buildings, or vice versa.

Being in such a place you can be sure that your session will not be boring.

Photo in Warsaw - love session in Soho Factory

Mirek and Olivia liked the idea for a session in an industrial atmosphere. Like us, they like abandoned scenery, just like us - Mirek is a photographer, we knew that during the photos there would be plenty of topics for conversation;) And probably more than even places, we are inspired by such creative people. It is a great joy to meet people with such energy!

We set the bar high - we wanted this session to be a pleasant surprise for them, as well as a nice adventure. Greetings from this place Olivia, which despite the stress fell phenomenal! The smile and positive energy of this couple will stay with us for a long time;)

Abandoned places for sessions - Distillery and Soho Factory

The choice of location for a session in an industrial atmosphere was not immediately obvious. In principle, we decided together on the day of the session. At the beginning of the session we went to the abandoned, former Distillery, which, unfortunately, is not generally available for creative exploration of space;) We were able to stay inside only for 20 minutes. This is definitely not enough if you want to perform a coherent and interesting session. A big plus is the fact that this location was a perfect introduction and - the light was so favorable to us! Warm, sharp rays emphasized the raw, abandoned interior and thus created an amazing atmosphere.

After leaving the Distillery building, we had to decide: we continue the session in the greenery or do we follow the blow and go to a similar place? The thought blossomed almost immediately - if industrial in the city - it was Soho Factory. We were only worried that time would shrink significantly before we get there and the light would cleverly hide.

We were lucky ! The light was with us until the very end. The colors also played beautifully. Oliwia's juicy yellow, airy dress was a constant, strong point in the frame. There was no shortage of opportunities for staff, not only because of the place. This couple is a real energy bomb, fantastic and smiling people with whom not only photos but spending time is a real pleasure.

Can you create a engagement session in a big city in an original atmosphere? In an urban, industrial style but away from the center and crowds? Of course you can! Warsaw is such a diverse city, hiding many amazing nooks. Maybe together we will discover another?

Kimura Glamping - boho love session

Kimura Glamping - an amazing place for a lovers session

There are places that delight from the very first moments. Designed in an original way, in the heart of the forest, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and at the same time only 20 minutes by car from the very center of Warsaw.

There used to be a brickyard here, today, surrounded by nature, they have adopted brick stables overgrown with wild wine, gardens, unusual tents that can also be rented for recreation, and terraces.

It is a perfect space for a modern wedding reception or an outdoor wedding. It is also the perfect place for a couple session. Especially in the still loved boho style.

What are we talking about? This is an unusual, new place on the map of wedding inspirations. It's Cicha 23 in Marki near Warsaw with Kimura Glamping!

Kimura Glamping engagement session

When Dorota wrote to us with the idea of ​​a photo shoot in this charming place, we felt that not only the photos would be extraordinary, but it would also be a very inspiring time.

Almost every corner of this space stimulates action. The atmosphere is conducive to intimacy, intimate and magical atmosphere thanks to densely enveloping greenery, lots of wood, beautiful decorations and arrangement flavors. Boho-style teepee tents bring to mind the tropical climate of Bali.

Everything is photogenic here! Including them! or maybe mainly because of them 🙂 Dorota and Wiktor. Not only did they fit this place perfectly, but they filled the space with wonderful energy, spontaneous, joyful, self-centered.

Despite unfavorable weather, this session has a lot of warmth. The couple's commitment, so invaluable in all difficult conditions, is always of great value to us. It motivates the most, brings joy, and makes us give the most of ourselves. We are very happy that despite the time chasing us while taking photos (it was a really hyper-fast session), we can show you the essence of these activities.

Kimura Glamping - an inspiring place near Warsaw

And sometimes an impulse, a gesture, a little spark is enough to create an idea to spontaneously and with cool people try to create a little love story.


So who is willing to attend another Kimura Glamping session or maybe a wedding in Cicha 23?

Engagement Session in Zakopane

Engagement session in mountains

It is often the case that choosing a place for an outdoor photo shoot depends on what is more difficult to reach. If someone lives by the sea, they dream of mountains, and vice versa. This was also the case this time. Klaudia and Staś dreamed of their engagement session in a mountain climate, while they themselves are from Pomerania. So it was an opportunity to combine the engagement session with a nice, short vacation in Zakopane.

Love in a highlander’s cottage

Reflecting on the direction of the session, we considered an outdoor photo shoot in the mountains, typically somewhere on the trail with the Tatra peaks in the background, or more intimately, in an atmospheric highlander’s cottage. Our couple decided on a second idea, which we liked very much. An outdoor space would be much more uniform, and by renting a photo house we could focus not only on the surroundings, but also on closer frames that show the relationship and emotions of our couple. In addition, we already have a wedding session at Kasprowy Wierch in our portfolio, so we gladly reach for new things!

Session in heart of Polish

Klaudia and Staś trusted us completely as to the direction and atmosphere of the session. They fully accepted our ideas and suggestions. Thanks to trust we were able to fully implement this session, give in to intuition and impulse – that is, as we usually work. Lack of plan during the session can and is risky, especially if you want to implement a high-level session. However, this solution works on our minds most efficiently. In addition, our spontaneity affects our couples very positively, because during the session there is no rigid atmosphere and the couple feels very at ease. There is a lot of laughter, a lot of conversation and a positive creative aura. Speaking of creativity, Klaudia is styled like a fashion session! This is definitely one of the photo sessions in which our couple changed the most times! We were reminded of the days when we photographed fashion with youthful passion 🙂

So we had one highlander’s house and several views of our couple. Thanks to this, the session was not monotonous, but even gained dynamics. We also used the nearby scenery with mountains in the background, with an aura of warm autumn. Because a session in the mountains does not have to be just an open air trail, difficult weather conditions and effort. It may well be hugging and cuddling up in a blanket and in yourself on a highlander’s terrace with a beautiful view, the smell of wood in the fireplace, nice time spent together, by the way beautifully captured in the pictures. There are so many views and possibilities!

It is difficult to say in which version we like Klaudia and Staś the most. Maybe you will say.

Warsaw Engagement Session - SOHO Factory

An urban engagement session in an industrial style

Engagement sessions are an increasingly popular form of photographing people in love. We now have a flood of instagram photographs that depict carefree shots of couples in beautiful places or moments of proposal. This trend is already so common that more and more young couples are more likely to choose fiancée instead of wedding. It is not surprising if the conditions are favorable on the day of the wedding and we have the opportunity to make a beautiful mini wedding plein-air.

Of course, the session on the wedding day can not be equal to a full wedding session done on a different day, somewhere in a beautiful picturesque corner, or even in your familiar, beloved place. As usual, we devote much more time to an outdoor session on a different day, and thus it is much more diverse.

Of course, as always, the choice is yours.

Sometimes it happens that we do a wedding session … after the wedding;) Monika and Krzyś chose this form. When all the emotions were gone, we could meet them for a photographic walk.

New industrial on post-industrial Prague Soho

As a session venue, we chose “Soho” in the Warsaw prague. This scenery perfectly suited the style and temperament of our couple. If you have not yet had the opportunity to see their wedding in a rock atmosphere, be sure to take a look – the wedding party was a real rock firecracker!

Returning to the place of the session, industrial style is certainly a breath of freshness among the ubiquitous fashion for boho sessions in nature. The walls, brick, slightly harsh climate can create a very interesting atmosphere.

Abandoned places not only have a curious aura in themselves, they are a kind of contrast to the emotions that are after all between the photographed couple. We have the impression that the more severe, “ugly” background, the more visible in the pictures are emotions, warmth and gestures. This contrast always inspires us and stimulates us to act.

It was not difficult to show these emotions with Monica and Krzyś. Smiling and focused on each other, they provided us with a large dose of warm shots every now and then. We also wanted this session not to be artificially “put up”. Instead, we and our couple depended on spontaneity, naturalness, and fleeting moments.

They looked very coherent. We must mark it. Black – characteristic, determined, but also neutral, dominated in their attire. A great complement was the grunge checked shirt of Monica. They fit in perfectly with Prague walls and old advertising banners.

An urban wedding session can be dynamic and interesting not only in the center of a busy street. If you’re looking for a bit of intimacy and melancholy in the heart of the city, old post-industrial districts will be the perfect place for you!


Walk around Paris. In one sentence, you can describe the story that we want to show you today. Fiancée sessions, because we will talk about them, are experiencing a kind of “boom” in our opinion. It is not just the wedding sessions that are carefully planned and arouse excitement, and the prenuptial sessions and even the moments of proposal are often made more and more popular. They have now become a very fashionable and desirable element of wedding stories. This is not only an interesting introduction to your wedding. First of all, they create an opportunity for you to get to know photographers better. This is a guarantee of good cooperation on the wedding day. And the most important thing – this is the only opportunity for a beautiful story of your love before the Great Day. More relaxed, without official moments, in your style and only about you.

Stylish love sessions

We do not need to mention that fiancée sessions are also a good idea to use the photos of the session in an interesting way on the day of your wedding, even as an element of decoration, gifts for loved ones, and many other solutions.

Each fianc engagement can have its own unique character. It all depends on what style you prefer, in which scenery you feel at ease. Is a more intimate atmosphere in the comfort of the hotel room, or a definitely crazy and dynamic session in the rhythm of the city? Or maybe you choose places that are the trace of the special moments of your love: the first date or the first kiss? Or maybe the motive of the session will be your mutual interests. It’s all up to you. Remember that choosing a place that is special for you will evoke emotions that accompanied important moments. Let’s stop them in the photos!

City of Love

Paris has long been a symbol of lovers, both in art and literature, often called the “city of love”. Romantic atmosphere, lively street, artistic atmosphere, give you inexhaustible possibilities to discover exceptional frames. It is also a symbol of good taste, class and style. Ola and Przemek looked wonderful in both the first freer urban style and in a more elegant edition. But the clothing was not the most important. There was lightness, joy and authenticity in them. What we like to photograph the most. We are happy that we could spend time with them and watch their happiness. Paris is the perfect city for love stories. Who ever dreamed of kissing against the Eiffel Tower? Sounds plain, yet. Romantic walk through the streets of Paris, common coffee in the artistic district of Montmartre, evening rain and wet street lights at the Moulin Rouge. And they will embrace them in each of these places. Love. Magic.

And what is your dream place for the session?

A Romantic engagement session in Tuscany

Love session in Tuscany

Engagement sessions are no less emotional than the wedding sessions. Especially if they are organized abroad. Today, traveling is extremely easy and despite all appearances, it is not expensive. Of course, the engagement can take place in a nearby park, domesticity, in urban atmosphere or in the historic old town. However, we think that away sessions give many more opportunities. So it's worth considering to go a little bit further for a perfect session. It's an opportunity to have not only a beautiful souvenir in the form of photos, but also a fantastic adventure and carefree moments. New places and locations give many more opportunities of taking unique frames of people in deep love with each other.

Tuscany is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and unique regions, not just in Italy, but also across Europe. In photographic terms, it has a lot to offer, not only idyllic landscapes with cypresses in the background or historic towns. But above all, a beautiful light, which is futile to find here in Poland, the difference in geographical latitude is doing its job 🙂

Engagement Session in Italy

We like choosing Italy, because it also guarantees great weather, delicious coffee, as well as the climate and atmosphere, which you just feel all around, not to mention pizza 😉

Together with Sylwia and Mateusz we went to Tuscany, where we did not strictly plan the exact route for the session. We got ourselves carried away to an unknown intuitively stopping along the road in places that delighted us the much. We did not have to look for a sophisticated background, complicated frames, cause picturesque landscapes let us focus completely on the couple in love and emotions. A walk along the Tuscan fields, hands wrapped around time and again, tender gestures and glances, a warm breeze of summer and a wonderful golden hour. These are the moments that have been kept forever!

We must also add that Sylwia and Mateusz had this unique lightness, freedom and energy which made photographing them a pure pleasure and joy just by looking at their authentic love. Loose stylization, airy dress of Sylvia, having her hair down in a natural way - all this additionally emphasized the atmosphere of the photos.

We are very glad that we can show you the results of this unique session.

Engagement Session in Koszyki Warsaw

Session in an industrial climate of the capital – Ola and Piotr

Warsaw may or may not be liked by everyone, but there are places that the leading world capitals would not be ashamed of. One of them is the 100-year-old, revitalized “Koszyki” hall in the heart of Warsaw. An ideal example of combining history with contemporary design. This remarkable space was our background to the spontaneous wedding session of Ola and Piotr in a street climate.

The city is much more demanding, both for the couple and the photographer in photographic terms. The movement, the rhythm of the city, the street bustle, people’s looks, all this can distract the lovers, at the same time making them uncomfortable. Fortunately, Ola and Piotr did great in these difficult conditions. Carefree, focused on themselves, not paying attention to the surroundings. Looking at each other, lost in the crowd.

And from the photographic side? For a long time we have been planning a session with the urban landscape in the background. We were very happy when the opportunity finally came 🙂 Center of the capital, a vibrant street, lots of nooks, reflections, seemingly geometric disorder, game of shadow and light which is magical and in a moment it is gone. All these unexpected elements combined with street life and love in the heart of the frame, give thousands of opportunities to look for interesting shots. In short – photo paradise;)

If you dream about a similar, dynamic, urban engagement session, we are waiting for you 🙂