A wedding session in an original place is one of the most important points on the list of wedding dreams. Some couples decide to have a wedding session abroad. It is often a way to still seal a new, common path in wedding emotions, but simply to combine a session with a short vacation. We love such solutions! And this year’s season spoiled us with numerous wedding sessions abroad. But we also had the opportunity to photograph young couples in beautiful, original locations in our home yard. Today we want to show you the wedding session of Magda and Michał in the Old Water Mill.
Jeśli lubicie i nadal nie nudzi Was stylistyka boho i rustic w modzie ślubnej, to stary, drewniany młyn będzie idealnym miejscem na Wasz plener ślubny.
Magda i Michał wybrali stary Młyn Wodny, który mieści się w małej wsi Chojnata, w woj. łódzkim. Młyn zrobił na nas pozytywne wrażenie. To dwupiętrowy budynek, w całości wykonany z drewna. Wnętrze jest dość ciemne, ale zachowało swoją autentyczność. Mnóstwo tam starych “młyńskich” urządzeń, które podkreślają klimat miejsca. A jeśli dodamy do tego blask tysiąca malutkich lampek, to śmiało można powiedzieć, że robi się wtedy magicznie. Światło lampek nadaje romantyczny nastrój, ociepla miejsce, podkreśla fakturę drewna i pozwala uzyskać spektakularne efekty na zdjęciach.
Takie zdjęcia ślubne robią niesamowite wrażenie, ale jednocześnie sama sesja w takim klimacie to tez bardzo miłe przeżycie.
If you like and are still not bored with boho style and rustic climates in wedding fashion, then the old wooden mill will be the perfect place for your outdoor wedding.
Magda and Michał chose the old Water Mill, which is located in the small village of Chojnata, in the province of Lodz. The mill made a positive impression on us. It is a two-story building, entirely made of wood. The interior is quite dark, but has retained its authenticity. There are a lot of old “mill” devices that emphasize the atmosphere of the place. And if we add the glow of a thousand tiny lights to it, it can be safely said that it gets magical then. The light of the lamps gives a romantic mood, warms the place, emphasizes the texture of the wood and allows you to get spectacular effects in the pictures.
Such wedding photos make an amazing impression, but at the same time the session in such an atmosphere is also a very nice experience.
When we receive messages full of delight and joy from the effects of the photo session, we know that it will not only be a nice wedding souvenir. We are convinced that in addition to photos, our couple had a great time and will remember their session as a fun adventure and experience. Especially since posing in front of the lens is not, as it might seem, such a completely simple matter;) The atmosphere during the photos is a key issue right after the location.
We hope that our session will inspire many a few, and also for you old, abandoned buildings will be more than a ruin. They will become a creative place, full of creative possibilities.
Or maybe for you Stary Młyn will be the perfect place for photos? Let’s find out! We invite you to watch this